Picture: With the hydraulic pressure support, it is possible to react quickly to changing soil conditions

The MATRIX precision seeder with hydraulic pressure support

The MATRIX precision seeder, which was launched in August 2024, will be supplemented by a version with hydraulic pressure support and spraying track marking.

Veröffentlicht am 31. Januar 2025 - von Christina Klöcker

The MATRIX precision seeder, which was launched in August 2024, will be supplemented by a version with hydraulic pressure support and spraying track marking.


Hydraulic, infinitely adjustable pressure support

With the MATRIX's hydraulic pressure support, the additional pressure on the seeding coulter can be adjusted continuously and conveniently from the operator terminal from 0 to 120 kg per seeding unit. As an option, an additional 20 % coulter pressure can be applied to the seeding units which run in the tractor track to ensure smooth running of the machine and precise placement of the seed.

Picture: With the hydraulic pressure support, it is possible to react quickly to changing soil conditions.


Intelligent spraying track marking in the pre-emergence period of the beet

With the aid of the built-in hydraulic cylinder, the individual seeding units can not only be pressurised, but also lifted if required. When creating a spraying track, which can be done via "Tramline Control", the entire seeding unit is lifted so that the seed row is not cultivated. By lifting out, the individual seeding units do not work in the ground, so that wear can be reduced. Furthermore, no additional components are required for the spraying track marking, so that no additional weight has to be carried and there is no one-sided load on the seeding unit. The hydraulic equipment of the MATRIX also enables simultaneous marking with the right and left lane marker.

Picture: The spraying track marking is available for all 12 or 18 rows.


Intuitive operation

Both the pressure adjustment of the individual seeding units and the spraying track marking are fully integrated into the GDI (= GRIMME Digital Interface) software, enabling simple and intuitive operation. The machine can be operated via load-sensing or via a double acting hydraulic control box.

The new MATRIX has an optional telemetric-unit so that information and parameters can be transmitted to the web-based end customer portal myGRIMME. The new myGRIMME functions such as ‘Fields’, i.e. field-related documentation and visualisation, and ‘Crops’, i.e. capturing and documentation of different varieties, can now be used.

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