Bernard Krone, Christine and Franz Grimme

Christine and Franz Grimme are ‘Agricultural Entrepreneurs of the Year’

Christine and Franz Grimme received a special honour on 11 September 2024 at the BayArena in Leverkusen as part of the Agricultural Trade Forum.

Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2024 - von Jürgen Feld

Christine and Franz Grimme received a special honour on 11 September 2024 at the BayArena in Leverkusen as part of the Agricultural Trade Forum. Both were voted ‘Agricultural Entrepreneurs of the Year’ for their exceptional entrepreneurial achievements. The independent jury of renowned representatives from the agricultural sector voted unanimously for Christine and Franz Grimme. In the entertaining laudatory speech, Bernard Krone, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Bernard Krone Group from Spelle, emphasised: ‘Their work, their commitment and their tireless innovative strength have not only changed agriculture, but also the lives of many people around the world.’ Christine and Franz Grimme are the first winners to receive this prestigious award as an entrepreneurial couple.

‘We are delighted to receive this award and accept it on behalf of the entire GRIMME team. This success would not have been possible without our dedicated workforce. We are still highly motivated to work in the company and to support our sons in their extensive tasks, which gives us great pleasure,’ say Christine and Franz Grimme.

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