At GRIMME Technica 2024, GRIMME presented a range of new digital features that provide additional operational convenience and reduce respectively simplify the documentation effort.
Veröffentlicht am 27. Februar 2025 - von Kathrin Fühne
At GRIMME Technica 2024, GRIMME presented a range of new digital features that provide additional operational convenience and reduce respectively simplify the documentation effort.
The new feature of ‘comments’ on the operator terminal: Digital notes in real time
The new comment field ‘Uplink UT’ allows the farmer to document any specific notes. This information is documented on a task-specific basis in myGRIMME, making the transfer of handwritten notes obsolete.
Picture: The AUX-N functions and the trigger button for the snapshot feature are visible on the right-hand side of the CCI operator terminal in the GRIMME Uplink window. The large comment field at the bottom right-hand edge is also easy to recognise.
AUX remote control and snapshots for the SmartView video system: Advanced control and documentation
The new snapshot function enables geo-referenced screenshots of all connected cameras and their transmission to the myGRIMME portal at the touch of a button. This considerably simplifies quality documentation and traceability. For improved user-friendliness, the views on the SmartView terminal can now be controlled remotely via any ISOBUS AUX-N device. The extended SmartView function ‘Snapshot’ can therefore be conveniently triggered via the ISOBUS-compatible control lever of the tractor, for example.
Picture: The photos from the SmartView cameras are saved georeferenced in myGRIMME.
Connection Manager: Central management for optimised connectivity
The Connection Manager is a centralised management solution between myGRIMME and external farm management systems. This enables simplified data exchange, reduces the manual input effort and minimises errors. Thanks to the perfect integration and direct connection to myGRIMME, data can be exchanged between the connected systems. Thanks to the real-time transmission of machine data, such as driving speeds, tuber spacing or application rates, the administrative effort and the associated operating costs are reduced.
Picture: Using the Connection Manager, each individual interface and each individual machine can be easily activated or deactivated.
Weiteres aus der GRIMME Welt
Zur GRIMME Technica 2024 stellte GRIMME eine Reihe neuer digitaler Funktionen vor, die für zusätzlichen Bedienkomfort sorgen und den Dokumentationsaufwand reduzieren und erleichtern.
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