From 3 to 6 December, the family-run company hosted the GRIMME Technica customer trade fair at its headquarters in Damme. More than 5,500 customers from all over the world came to this unique event for potato, beet and vegetable growers and contractors after a six-year break due to the coronavirus. ...
Veröffentlicht am 9. Dezember 2024 - von Jürgen Feld
From 3 to 6 December, the family-run company hosted the GRIMME Technica customer trade fair at its headquarters in Damme. More than 5,500 customers from all over the world came to this unique event for potato, beet and vegetable growers and contractors after a six-year break due to the coronavirus. In addition to a tour of the plants in Damme and Rieste, the 80-minute, entertaining innovation show took centre stage. Innovations in steel and iron as well as digitalisation were vividly presented by the in-house team. Over 100 new machines and reconditioned used machines were on display.
We would like to thank all visitors for four unforgettable days!
Your GRIMME Team
Weiteres aus der GRIMME Welt
Zur GRIMME Technica 2024 stellte GRIMME eine Reihe neuer digitaler Funktionen vor, die für zusätzlichen Bedienkomfort sorgen und den Dokumentationsaufwand reduzieren und erleichtern.
Die im August 2024 neu vorgestellte Einzelkornsämaschine MATRIX wird um eine Variante mit hydraulischer Druckunterstützung und Fahrgassenmarkierung ergänzt.
48 Jubilare geehrt und 19 ehemalige Mitarbeiter in den Ruhestand verabschiedet.
Vom 3. bis 6. Dezember veranstaltete das Familienunternehmen die Kundenmesse GRIMME Technica am Stammsitz in Damme.
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