Agricultural machinery mechanic in the workshop at GRIMME Premium Check.

Maximum occupational safety with the GRIMME Premium Check

Start the next season with optimally prepared technology and maximise your operational safety.

Veröffentlicht am 8. November 2024 - von Kathrin Fühne

GRIMME quality for maximum operational safety.

  • Inspection of your machines
  • Consultancy and service
  • Condition documentation
  • Discounted conditions on GRIMME original parts
  • Increased operational reliability during the season

You can simply request an appointment with us online or make an appointment with your local GRIMME Premium Partner!

  Gebrauchtmaschinen_Service_Premium Ch...

The GRIMME Premium Check offers customised services for every machine and every need. The specialists at your GRIMME Premium Partner will inspect your machine and provide you with a repair quotation. All work is carried out exclusively in accordance with the strict quality guidelines and using high-quality GRIMME original parts at favourable conditions. With the GRIMME Premium Check, the performance and reliability as well as the appearance of your machine are optimally maintained.

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